
Oraland Maxillofacial Cone Beam Computed Tomography Equipment (Oral Ct)

  • Oraland Maxillofacial Cone Beam Computed Tomography Equipment (Oral Ct)

Product features:

Product introduction: Oral CT can reflect the tissue condition from three-dimensional angle, find out what cannot be found by the projection angle of oral X-ray film, and assist doctors in preoperative scheme design and postoperative scientific evaluation.

Unveiling Unseen Details:

Oral CT technology delivers intricate, three-dimensional images of oral and maxillofacial structures, exposing details that may elude traditional X-ray scans.

Precision in Diagnosis and Planning:

Dental and maxillofacial specialists harness the power of Oral CT for precise diagnosis and meticulous treatment planning, ensuring tailored strategies for each patient.

Surgical Precision with Preoperative Assessment:

Before surgery, Oral CT provides a precise map of structures like impacted teeth, tumors, and cysts, enhancing surgical accuracy.

Postoperative Insight:

Post-surgery, Oral CT acts as a compass, guiding assessments, tracking healing progress, and facilitating decisions on follow-up treatments.

Safe Imaging with Reduced Radiation:

Oral CT, despite its advanced three-dimensional capabilities, often involves lower radiation exposure compared to conventional medical CT scans.

Unmatched Advantages:

360-Degree View:

Oral CT offers an all-encompassing perspective of the oral and maxillofacial realm, a cornerstone for precise diagnosis and treatment blueprints.

Accuracy Amplified:

The three-dimensional imagery of Oral CT elevates precision in discerning anatomical structures and irregularities.

Customized Care:

Detailed visuals empower healthcare professionals to craft treatment plans tailored to individual patient needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.

Eliminating Guesswork:

Oral CT erases uncertainty by offering a crystal-clear view of structural conditions and orientations, enabling informed decision-making.

Streamlined Workflow:

By providing comprehensive information in a single scan, Oral CT expedites the diagnostic and treatment planning process, potentially reducing the need for additional imaging.

Patient Empowerment through Visuals:

The visual impact of Oral CT images enriches patient comprehension and encourages collaborative decision-making.

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