
Nucleic Acid Extraction Or Purification Reagent

  • Nucleic Acid Extraction Or Purification Reagent

Specification model:

16 person-parts/box, 32 person-parts/box, 48 person-parts/box, 64 person-parts/box and 96 person-parts/boxIntended use: This product is mainly used for nucleic acid extraction, enrichment, purification andother steps. The treated products are used for clinical in vitro detection.Related Department: Pathology department


The Nucleic Acid Extraction or Purification Reagent is a specialized reagent designed to facilitate the extraction, enrichment, and purification of nucleic acids from various biological samples. This essential tool plays a critical role in molecular biology and diagnostics by providing high-quality nucleic acids that are used for various downstream applications, including clinical in vitro detection.


Nucleic Acid Extraction: The reagent is specifically designed to extract nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA, from biological samples. It employs optimized protocols to efficiently release nucleic acids while preserving their integrity.

Enrichment and Purification: In addition to extraction, the reagent can enrich and purify nucleic acids, removing contaminants and impurities that may interfere with downstream analyses.


High Purity: The reagent ensures the extraction and purification of high-purity nucleic acids, free from contaminants that could affect the accuracy of downstream applications.

Quality Yields: The optimized extraction and purification protocols provide high-quality nucleic acid yields, ensuring that there is enough material for further analyses and testing.

Consistent Results: The reagent's standardized protocols and quality control measures lead to consistent and reproducible nucleic acid extraction and purification results.

Versatility in Specification Models: The availability of different specification models, such as 16, 32, 48, 64, and 96 person-parts/box, allows for flexible usage based on the volume of samples being processed.

Streamlined Workflow: The reagent simplifies the nucleic acid extraction and purification process, saving time and reducing the complexity of laboratory procedures.

Supports Clinical Testing: The extracted and purified nucleic acids are suitable for clinical in vitro detection, enabling accurate diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases.

Enhanced Sensitivity: High-quality nucleic acids obtained from the reagent improve the sensitivity of downstream molecular assays, ensuring reliable detection of target sequences.

Minimized Contamination Risk: The reagent's optimized protocols and stringent quality control measures reduce the risk of sample cross-contamination.

Cost-Efficient: Achieving high-yield, high-quality nucleic acids in a streamlined manner reduces the need for re-extraction and conserves valuable resources.

Integrated Usage: The reagent seamlessly integrates into the workflow of the pathology department, providing essential nucleic acid samples for various diagnostic and research applications.

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