
Mobile Digital X-Ray Photography System

  • Mobile Digital X-Ray Photography System

Product performance, structure and composition: CALYPSO is composed of high voltage generator, X-ray tube assembly, examining table, suspended X-ray tube support device, detector support device, beam limiter, digital image processing system and digital flat panel detector.

Intended use: This product can be used by medical units for digital X-ray photography of patients.


The core function of the Mobile Digital X-Ray Photography System is to provide advanced digital X-ray imaging for patients. Its mobility and adaptability make it suitable for use across different medical settings, allowing for swift and accurate diagnostic imaging.


High Voltage Generator and X-ray Tube Assembly: CALYPSO features a high voltage generator and X-ray tube assembly that work in tandem to generate X-ray radiation. This assembly is engineered for optimal performance, delivering consistent and controlled radiation output.

Examining Table: The included examining table provides a stable and adjustable surface for patients, ensuring comfort during the imaging procedure.

Suspended X-ray Tube Support Device: This system incorporates a suspended X-ray tube support device that allows for flexible positioning, accommodating a range of imaging angles and patient positions.

Detector Support Device: The detector support device is designed to securely hold the digital flat panel detector, ensuring accurate and reliable image capture.

Beam Limiter: A beam limiter ensures precise targeting of X-ray radiation, limiting exposure to the specific area of interest and reducing unnecessary radiation exposure.

Digital Image Processing System: The integrated digital image processing system enhances image quality, allowing for fine-tuning of images and adjustments to improve diagnostic accuracy.

Digital Flat Panel Detector: The digital flat panel detector captures X-ray images in high resolution, offering superior image clarity for accurate diagnosis.


Mobility: Being mobile, CALYPSO can be easily transported to different locations within medical facilities, enabling on-site diagnostic imaging.

Versatility: Its adaptable design allows imaging of various anatomical regions and patient positions, supporting a wide range of diagnostic needs.

Efficiency: The system's design streamlines the imaging process, from positioning to image capture, leading to efficient workflows and reduced patient waiting times.

High-Quality Imaging: The inclusion of a digital flat panel detector and advanced image processing technology ensures clear and detailed diagnostic images.

Precision and Safety: Beam limiting capabilities focus radiation exposure on the targeted area, reducing radiation doses to both patients and healthcare providers.

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