
Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch

  • Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch
  • Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch
  • Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch
  • Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch

[model Specification] zsi,zs-a,ZS-B,ZS-C,zs-d,zs-e,zs-f,zs-g,zs-h

[Structure Properties] This product comprises far infrared ceramic powder, magnetic sheet,polymer gel,non-wovenfabric and silicone oil paper. Peel strength 1N/cm. Holding viscosity s 3mm.Farinfrared emission wavelength:8um-15umNormalemissivity80%Maximum


[Application scope] ZS-I is suitable for adjuvant treatment of cervical spondylosisscapulohumeralperiarthritishyperostosis.lumbar disc herniation arthritis. soft tissueinjury and acute lumbar muscle strain ZS-Ais suitable for adjuvant treatment of cervicaspondylosis; ZS-B is suitable for adjuvanttreatment of scapulohumeralperiarthritisZS-C is suitable for adjuvant treatment ofhyperostosis; ZS-D is suitable for adjuvanttreatment oflumbar disc herniation: ZS-E issuitable for adjuvant treatment of arthritis;:ZS-F is suitable for adjuvant treatmentof soft tissue injury: ZS-H is suitable for adjuvanttreatment of acute lumbar muscle strain.

Our Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch is an innovative solution designed to harness the power of far infrared rays and magnetic fields for targeted relief and wellness enhancement. This advanced product integrates the benefits of both far infrared technology and magnetic therapy to promote relaxation, alleviate discomfort, and support overall well-being.

Key Features:

Dual Therapeutic Effects: Combining far infrared rays and magnetic fields, the patch offers a dual-action approach to stimulate circulation, soothe muscles, and balance energy flow.

Far Infrared Emission: The patch emits far infrared rays that penetrate deep into tissues, generating gentle warmth to improve blood flow and alleviate tension.

Magnetic Fields: The strategically placed magnets emit a low-level magnetic field, which is believed to enhance the body's natural healing processes and contribute to pain relief.

Comfortable Adhesion: The patch adheres comfortably to the skin, allowing for easy application and secure placement.

Safe and Non-Invasive: Far infrared technology and magnetic therapy are non-invasive and well-tolerated, making the patch suitable for a variety of users.


Muscle Discomfort: The combined effects of far infrared warmth and magnetic fields can provide relief from muscle tension, stiffness, and soreness.

Circulation Enhancement: Far infrared rays are known to enhance blood circulation, which can be particularly beneficial for those with poor circulation or discomfort caused by inadequate blood flow.

Relaxation and Wellness: Regular use of the patch may contribute to relaxation, stress reduction, and overall wellness by promoting energy balance and improving vitality.

Note: While Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch can offer a range of benefits, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for persistent or severe conditions.

Experience the synergistic effects of far infrared rays and magnetic therapy with our Far Infrared Magnetic Therapy Patch, and discover a new level of relief and holistic well-being.

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