
Automatic Electronic Sphygmomanometer

  • Automatic Electronic Sphygmomanometer

Product introduction:

The electronic sphygmomanometer has realized full-automatic intelligent measurement. The measured data can be automatically transmitted to the health management platform through the network, and the generated health data report can be fed back to the users. The measurement results are more accurate than the traditional electronic sphygmomanometer due to the use of more advanced technology.

Related Department: Measurement items: Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure. and pulse rate

Brief Introduction:

The Automatic Electronic Sphygmomanometer is a modern medical device designed to provide convenient and accurate blood pressure measurement. Unlike traditional sphygmomanometers, this electronic version offers full-automatic intelligent measurement. It not only delivers precise readings of systolic and diastolic blood pressure along with pulse rate, but it also enhances the user experience by automatically transmitting measurement data to health management platforms via the network. This data can then be used to generate comprehensive health reports for users, aiding in effective health monitoring and management. The advanced technology incorporated in this device ensures greater accuracy compared to traditional electronic sphygmomanometers.


The primary function of the Automatic Electronic Sphygmomanometer is to measure blood pressure and pulse rate accurately and conveniently. It achieves this through the following steps:

Automated Inflation: The device automatically inflates the cuff placed around the user's arm, reaching an appropriate pressure level for measurement.

Blood Pressure Measurement: As the cuff deflates, the device records the pressure at which blood flow begins (systolic pressure) and the pressure at which it returns to normal (diastolic pressure). These values are the key indicators of blood pressure.

Pulse Rate Detection: The device also detects the user's pulse rate during the measurement process.

Network Connectivity: The device is equipped with network connectivity capabilities that allow it to transmit the measurement data to a health management platform automatically.


Full-Automatic Measurement: The device eliminates the need for manual inflation and pressure adjustment, making the measurement process easy and convenient.

Network Integration: Measurement data can be seamlessly transferred to a health management platform through network connectivity. This ensures easy access to the user's health information and allows for remote monitoring.

Health Data Reports: The data collected is used to generate detailed health reports that provide valuable insights into the user's blood pressure trends over time. These reports aid in informed health decisions.

Accuracy Enhancement: The device employs advanced technology to enhance measurement accuracy. This is especially crucial for accurate monitoring of blood pressure, a critical health parameter.

User-Friendly Design: The device is designed for ease of use, often featuring a user-friendly interface with clear display and intuitive controls.


Convenience: The full-automatic operation eliminates the need for manual adjustments, making blood pressure measurements quick and hassle-free.

Remote Monitoring: The network connectivity enables remote monitoring and data transmission to healthcare professionals or caregivers, facilitating timely interventions if necessary.

Accurate Data: The advanced technology used in the electronic sphygmomanometer ensures accurate measurement results, providing reliable data for effective health management.

Health Insights: The generated health data reports offer insights into blood pressure trends and patterns, enabling users to proactively manage their health.

User Empowerment: By providing users with accessible and comprehensive health data, the device empowers individuals to take an active role in their health management.

Enhanced Medical Communication: The data generated by the device can facilitate more informed discussions between patients and healthcare providers, leading to more personalized care plans.

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